Dr. Paul R. Johnson, DC
About Bountyland Chiropractic
At Bountyland Chiropractic in Seneca, SC, patients are top priority! Dr. Paul R. Johnson, DC provides specialized techniques including chiropractic, pediatric & prenatal chiropractic, sports injury rehabilitation, laser therapy, ultrasound & electro therapy, auto accident & personal injury rehabilitation, body contouring weight loss treatment and more. Treatment plans at Bountyland Chiropractic are tailored to the individual. Each patient is evaluated to determine the best technique needed to address their specific needs. Dr. Johnson of Bountyland Chiropractic is highly recommended and he takes pride in the stellar care that he provide to his patients.

Dr. Paul R. Johnson, DC
Dr. Johnson of Bountyland Chiropractic helps patients in the Seneca, South Carolina area work toward improved health.